You are currently viewing Ships on the Mersey and high and low tides on Saturday, October 19

Ships on the Mersey and high and low tides on Saturday, October 19

An angler on the Mersey. Picture by Tony McDonough


Shipping movements on the Mersey today, include:

Champion Istra, a tanker carrying animal and vegetable oils from Papua New Guinea. Agent is Global Shipping Services.

Stolt Jaeger, a tanker carryign aqueous urea solution from Germany. Agent is Graypen.

Cresty, a bulk carrier carrying biomass (woodchips) from Canada. Agent is Peel Ports Logistics.

Atlantic Sun, a container vessel coming from Belgium and sailing on to the US. Agent is Atlantic Container Line AB.

Birkenhead to Belfast: Stena Edda will depart the Twelve Quays terminal at 10.30am. Stena Embla will depart at 10.30pm.

Liverpool to Dublin: Seatruck vessels will sail from Brocklebank Dock at 3.30am, 9.30am and 8.30pm.

Liverpool to Isle of Man: Manannan will depart the Isle of Man Terminal at 7.15pm.

Mersey FerriesClick here for a full ferries timetable.

High tides: 12.32am (10.17m) and 12.57pm (9.78m)

Low tides: 7.34am (0.54m) and 7.53pm (0.77m)

Sunrise: 7.47am

Sunset: 6.06pm

Shipping information courtesy of Peel Ports

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