Bringing businesses together across South Manchester and Chester

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Simon Edmondson, who along with his wife Win Edmondson, are the dynamic duo of business networking, offering the opportunity for businesses across South Manchester and Chester to meet under ‘The Business Network’ brand at regular monthly lunches. Business Connect caught up with Simon and Win to find out more…

Business networking – probably the easiest and best way of generating leads for your business – but why do we go networking and is it as easy as just turning up to the event and walking away with a stack of business cards?
“At The Business Network South Manchester and Chester, we see our members collaborating with each other week in week out, referring their clients to each other and creating a community of trust and a safe secure network of businesses working together. But there is a lot of work which goes in before all that happens.”

Let’s have a look at why we go networking?
“Obviously the first reason is to generate business, grow and sustain growth. We all want to see a return on our investment whether that be a monetary spend or cost of your time. If you think a free event costs you nothing you have to look at the time out of your business when you could be earning money by selling a product or your service, parking fees, travelling expenses etc. We want to be dynamic and be recognised, be the go to person for your services or products. Regular attendance helps with gaining that recognition.”

Knock out the competition.
“You may not be there but your competition could be, and if they are there, remember people buy from people, so your next client may choose you due to the relationship you create. To learn, at The Business Network South Manchester and Chester we always have seminars and short talks at all our events. Whether it is a talk on social media to beaming in an AI specialist from India there is always something to learn. Remember “every day is a school day” and “you don’t know what you don’t know”.

Meet suppliers – it’s not all about selling.
“We have members that know that within our membership all their business needs can be serviced. Furthermore, as they are all members they know that there is trust and accountability to give peace of mind. It’s a social network. There are members in both our groups I can call friends and members I can ask for considered expert advice. Don’t forget no matter how big your business is it can be lonely at the top, and most directors/business owners have all experienced the same issues.

“Finally, you want to be successful, but as we mentioned at the beginning it’s not just a matter of attending a meeting. There are a few rules you need to follow to be a successful networker.

“I was taught ten words by networking guru and Business Network member Will Kintish, and if you follow them too you should find that “Networking Works”.

Turn up!
“That is obvious, isn’t it? It should be, but you would be surprised even for paid events the number of people who miss out. It just takes one person to change your business, and you could miss that opportunity. As networking hosts it’s our job to ensure that connections are made. This could be sitting you at a table with a potential client or an introduction during social networking. Your host will know everyone in the room, and what they do to ensure you have the best experience.”

Be nice!
“What, who isn’t nice at a networking meeting? It is more about not being dismissive, it is easy to assume that a person is not a good introduction as they are in a completely different field, or they are a very small company and would never buy from you. You, however, do not know who they know. Their little black book of contacts may have your “Golden Goose” of all time clients who just keeps giving.”

Listen carefully.
“Never ask what your networking community can do for you – ask what you can do for your networking community. It is better to be a giver rather than a receiver, so by asking lots of questions you will hear how you can help them.”

Ask questions.
“Asking questions again gives you a better understanding of the people you are speaking to. Don’t forget you are building up your little black book of potential suppliers for your clients. Be the enabler as people will be more likely to refer you if you have given them a good turn.”

Finally, and the most important rule of networking is –

Follow up!

“If you don’t arrange those 1-2-1 meetings either in person or virtually you have probably wasted all that time by going to the event in the first place. Go out have a coffee and find out more about each other. Every time we meet with one of our members, we find out something new about them. It may be some new work they are doing or something we had failed to discuss in previous meetings.

“As a well know networking organisation says, “Givers Gain” and they really do. This article started as why you should come to The Business Network South Manchester or Chester, but we wanted to give something back.

“Are we the biggest and the best? Maybe, maybe not, it depends where you feel you fit in. Sample plenty of networking groups, try us first of course but before you decide, find your tribe, where you will fit in where you can refer business and where you feel you will be referred business – but most importantly enjoy!”

For more information contact Simon Edmondson on 0161 503 5000 or email [email protected]

To find out more, call Simon Edmondson on 0161 503 5000
or email: [email protected]


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